Lallu Ki Laila Bhojpuri Movie is an Upcoming Bhojpuri Action, Romance, Drama Movie which is released in 2019. Lallu Ki Laila film is directed by Sushil and produced by Ratnakar Kumar. This film will be made under the banner of World Wide Records & Riddhi Films Presents. Film muhurat happened in January 2018.
The Dinesh Lal Yadav ‘Nirahua’, Amrapali Dubey, Yamini Singh, Kanak Pandey, Susheel Singh, Sanjay Pandey, Prakash Jais, BIB Bijender Singh, J Neelam, Rina Rani, Deepak Sinha, Dev Singh are playing lead roles in the film. Shared with you the Lallu Ki Laila Bhojpuri movie complete star cast and crew, actors, actresses, Release Date, Box Office, News, Photos, Trailer Video and Songs list, and more latest information in one place.
Lallu Ki Laila Bhojpuri Movie Trailer
Lallu Ki Laila Bhojpuri Movie Details:
Movie: Lallu Ki Laila
Banner: World Wide Records & Riddhi Films Presents
Producer: Ratnakar Kumar
Director: Sushil
Cast: Dinesh Lal Yadav, Amrapali Dubey, Kajal Raghwani
Genre: Action, Drama, Romance
Music: Madhukar Anand
Lyrics: Manoj Matlabi
Story: Sanjay Ray
Fight: Dilip Yadav
Release Date:– 9th August 2019
Genre: Drama, Romance
Shooting Locations: Jharkhand and Other Cities in India
Lallu Ki Laila Bhojpuri Movie Photo Gallery
Also Check: Amrapali Dubey Photo & Wallpaper
Tag: Lallu Ki Laila Bhojpuri Movie Trailer, Lallu Ki Laila Bhojpuri HD Trailer, Lallu Ki Laila Video Songs, Lallu Ki Laila Bhojpuri Video Songs, Lallu Ki Laila Bhojpuri Trailer, Lallu Ki Laila Theatrical Trailer